We oversee a network of three biorepositories in Abuja, Jos, and Zaria. These biorepositories receive, process, store, manage inventory control, package, and distribute samples.
Biological specimens, tissues, and tuberculosis isolates are safely handled to support research, public health evaluation studies, clinical trials, and HIV-associated malignant studies.
The central biorepository in Abuja operates at international standards using ISBER (International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories) guidelines, after a ten-year support funding from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant, Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa). The central biorepository supports investigators within IHVN, Abuja and its environs, Africans, and international biomedical researchers.
The Jos and Zaria biorepositories continue to support IHVN programs. Samples from health facilities supported by the Institute are shipped to any of the three biorepositories for long-term storage.
All the biorepositories use up-to-date FreezerWorks, a uniquely tailored sample management software, to manage biospecimens and track associated data throughout their life cycle. The biorepositories are supported with institutional generators dedicated to the biorepository and inverters to ensure an uninterrupted electricity supply.